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Plaza Theatre - El Paso TX Real Haunted Places

  • 125 Pioneer Plaza
  • El Paso, TX
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This theatre dates back to 1930 and was originally a movie house that is believed to have several ghosts residing in it. There have been reports of lights turning on and off, an eerie red-orange light that has been seen traveling through the mezzanine and apparitions. Some of the apparitions seen here include a shadowy man wearing black and an elderly man smoking a cigarette. Also thought to be here is the spirit of a little girl, whose laughing is heard along with the sound of a ball bouncing down the stairs in the Grand Lobby.
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  • Ghost at the Simon and Garfunkel Show 01/16/2022

    Yesterday Sunday at the Plaza Theatre, during the concert at around 7:30 aand just before the intermission, from the corner of my right side eye, I noticed a man standing across the isle next to the isle seat of the second row in front. I noticed that he was just standing there and it was until I turn to see why he wouldn’t take a seat, that’s when he disappeared not in a flash but kind of slow. His clothing looked like color of ash. I say “his” because it looked like a male figure. I’m used to it and it did not bothered me at all. I have an antique shop in an old building in the Historical District of San Elizario and have have had my share of things I see and hear.

    Posted 1/17/22

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,276
Last edit to this listing: 7/1/2016 (3151 days ago)

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