Real Haunts in Texas- Paranormal TX

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The Alamo was originally built as a mission, which served as a base to Christianize Native Americans in the 18 Century. The mission became a fort during the Texan Revolution, a series of battles between the Mexican army and a militia of Texans and adventurers who gathered in Texas to defeat the Mexican army. At the Alamo in February and March of 1836, a two-week battle raged between 146... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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This historic hotel, a local attraction during the roaring 1920s, now features its fair share of paranormal activity. Quite a few ghosts are known to haunt the halls of this old hotel, including those of Joshua and Anna, a husband and wife who are said to have died at the hotel, being struck by the same bullet. The legend holds that Joshua discovered Anna was having an affair with a man... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This mansion was built in 1894 by JD Baker's son Charles, who is believed to be the ghost that haunts the place. Charles disappeared mysteriously in 1908 and witnesses have reported shadows on the stairs, touches from unseen hands, aggressive pounding coming from the basement and eerie figures. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This campus is said to be haunted by the ghosts of Cavalrymen and a Victorian woman. Strange occurrences here include library books that have flown off the shelves and jukeboxes that play on their own. Many believe the place is haunted because the art center was once a jail, and the library was once parade grounds where military deserters were hanged. The dorms were also built on top of... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This location is said to be haunted by a ghostly woman who appears in an upper window of a 2-story house at the southwest end of the complex. Some believe she is the wife of the rancher who originally built the house. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums
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- 9
This hotel used to operate as a convent and it is now known for its eerie spirits that are said to haunt the place, including those of some nuns. It has been said that a ghost here will assume the form of a living employee to trick people, except it cannot speak. Cold spots and the sound of someone calling out names has been reported here as well, along with the moving and dropping of... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This location is rumored to have a ton of paranormal activity. The ghost stories surrounding the place usually center around an elevator shadt where one or more people fell to their deaths. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This hotel dates back to the 1920s and was built by Alfred Gage, who passed away less than a year after it was completed. The hotel is rumored to be haunted by the spirit of Gage himself. Witnesses have spotted apparitions on the front porch, in the patio gardens and in the halls. Room #10 is said to be one of the most active spots in the hotel, where a woman's voice has been heard... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This building was built in 1887 by Joseph and Ida Dienger. It was originally a dry-goods grocery store with the family living upstairs. In 1991, the city bought the building, and this is only when the ghost stories came about. Locals say they have seen lights go on and off while the building is empty at night, voices have been heard in the halls, books have fallen off the shelves and a... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars | Real Haunted Libraries
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Devil's Backbone is a beautiful scenic spot that is believed to be haunted by a Native American cattle herder named Drago, a ghostly wolf and the widow of a fatally injured miner. Other ghosts that have been spotted here include Confederate soldiers, Spanish monks, and an apparition that shows up on the hoods of cars as they drive along Purgatory Road. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This house is believed to be haunted by some of the former residents. People have reported hearing strange noises that indicate someone is climbing the stairs. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This hospital was established in 1869 as San Antonio's first private hospital. It is rumored to be haunted by a headless nun. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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The bell tower at this private school is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a nun who died inside the tower. There are a few variations to the story: some say it was an accidental death, a suicide over pregnancy or murder through being locked and starved. Witnesses have reported seeing the nun's shadow pacing back and forth from within the tower. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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Though no one can be sure the exact origin of the entity that dwells within this eatery located near the beautiful waters of Corpus Christi, but the mischievous spirit is known to slam doors, move salt and pepper shakers on tables, bang chairs against the ground and do other relatively harmless pranks. An amateur paranormal investigation reportedly recorded footsteps in the back dining... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This location is believed to be haunted and witnesses have reported hearing sounds of people upstairs when no one is up there, and feeling something unseen touching their arms and face. Apparitions have also been seen sitting in chairs or standing at the windows. The historic hotel also houses a portrait of a young girl holding flowers on the third floor. People say that when they look... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel building dates back to 1927 and is believed to be haunted by at least two ghosts. Most believe it is because there were two deaths that occurred here. A long time ago in Room #23, a railroad worker died in his sleep from an illness, and in Room #37, a World War II Veteran found out his girlfriend has married someone else while he was away at war, so he jumped to his death.... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This cemetery is believed to be haunted by a ghost boy who stands on the sidewalk and asks people passing by for a ride. This is said to occur in the early hours of morning. Other reports here include a mist and a strong smell near the train tracks behind the graveyard. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Bragg Road in Fort Worth is a well known hot spot for paranormal activity. The infamous road is known to be the location of countless sightings of the Ghost Road Light, which is also known as the Saratoga Light, Bragg Road Light, or the Big Thicket Light. The light appears to travelers at night while on the road between Saratoga and the extinct village of Bragg Station. Before the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods) | Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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Many believe this creek was named after La Larona (the Weeping Woman), who is known as the Hispanic boogey-woman. She has appeared everywhere and the story has always been this: a woman drowns her child in a lake/pond/ocean/bathtub/drainage ditch and then spends the rest of eternity waiting for her lost child, desperately looking for it. It is said that if you get too close to where she... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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- 5 / 5
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- 4
Gillespie Mansion in San Antonio (also known as the Midget Mansion or the Donore Manor), is now home to the Promontory Pointe Apartments. Local legend says that the first owners of the mansion were quite wealthy, a Navy Captain and his wife, but they didn't end up living there for very long. After they left, the property was sold to a businessman and his family. This family was more on... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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This building now operates as a retirement and assisted-living community but was once the Crazy Water Hotel. It was built in the 1920s over the site of a well, and legend says that the hotel's name comes from the story of a mentally unstable woman who went there every day to drink the water until she was cured. There have been reports of a little girl's apparition in the basement of the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 3,625
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- 3.7 / 5
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- 3
This hotel dates back to 1925 and is said to have a lot of eerie occurrences. Witnesses have reported feeling cold spots on the 10th floor, along with the sounds of footsteps and crying and strange shadows. Stories say in the 1940s, a woman either fell or jumped to her death from the presidential suite. A congressman may have committed suicide here as well. These occurrences are said to... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Two separate ghostly legends are told of Baker Hotel; the first is of a man who was killed after being trapped in a closing elevator door. The second is of a woman who committed suicide in the hotel after being spurned by a lover. The two spirits, and possible others, have appeared to visitors as growing orbs. Disembodied voices have been heard in the hotel, and phantom aromas have been... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Colleges
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The San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio is the oldest church in the state of Texas. It features stunning Gothic Revival architecture and is known to be quite haunted. In 1936, contruction workers began renovating the church and stories say they came across unearthed bones, nails, and tattered military uniforms near the altar, which some believe belonged to three soldiers of the Alamo.... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This location operates as a wedding venue and is believed to be haunted by the former owner who committed suicide here. There are also ghostly children who are said to play on the stairs. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Castles
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- 4
This abandoned building is rumored to be haunted and there have been reports of moaning, screaming and doors opening and closing on their own. Please note: this building is owned by the county and there is no trespassing allowed. The police hang around the area, so it is best not to try and enter. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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This hotel building is said to be one of the tallest in Laredo and dates back to 1900. An additional 9 floors were added in 1923 and people have reported that they have heard the ghostly sounds of children playing and running throughout the building. There have also been reports of furniture moving on its own, elevators that operate by themselves and lights that go on and off on their... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This bar is rumored to be haunted by its former owner and former employee. The hostile spirit has been attributed to the female employer while the owner is said to be benign and mostly appears in the storage area. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This theater is believed to be haunted by a young man who resides in the projection rooms upstairs. Stories say he was murdered by his partner, who he was arguing with at the time, and his body was found the next day. People say his ghost appears behind you and whispers, and sometimes has been spotted standing next to the projectors. It is also said that his killer is still in prison to... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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- 4 / 5
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- 15
Urban Legend says if you drive around the corner to the bridge slowly with your headlights off, a mist will form into the shape of a person. It has been said the spirit is that of an older woman who died in a car accident here. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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- 3
In this true western ghost town with a once rich and prosperous history, is a cemetery where the town's earliest inhabitants were laid to rest. The town of Belle Plain was established in 1870, but was abandoned within 25 years. One legend that surrounds the cemetery involves two young lovers. As the story goes, the father of the young woman killed her boyfriend in an effort to keep the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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- 2,320
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- 4.3 / 5
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- 4
It is said that the retired US Navy vessel, the USS Lexington is said to be haunted by the ghost of the engine room operator, who died in battle. The operator, who name is unknown, was a kind man, and his ghost has never harmed a visitor to the engine room. Instead, visitors have reported that the ghost has offered them guided tours from an expert. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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- 892
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Presidio-La Bahia is a fort located in Goliad, Texas. Its official name is Presidio Nuestra Señora de Loreto de la Bahía and it was built and utilized by the Spanish Army. The fort was originally founded in 1721 and it was home to many Texas Revolution conflicts, including the Battle of Goliad and the Goliad Massacre. The fort is known to be a hot spot for paranormal activity and... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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This building dates back to 1960 and was originally the Hill School of Grapevine (which stopped operating in 2013). The building is said to be pretty haunted. Kathy Edwards (Head of school) was in search of a building while this one was first being remodeled. Although the outside was remodeled, the inside was completely empty and had a huge hole. After the interior was remodeled is when... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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People have reported that between 8 PM and 2 AM, a ghostly nurse wearing old-fashioned clothing can be spotted in the nursery. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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This tavern is believed to have once been a brothel and is said to be haunted by a prostitute named Emily who was murdered here. The story says her and her daughter were killed in the 1940s by soldiers. Reports here include being tapped, pinched and watched by something unseen. There have also been sounds of footsteps and a phantom pool game. Hazy apparitions and cold spots have also... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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- 4 / 5
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- 2
General Sam Houston is buried in this cemetery and it is also the home to a statue commonly called "Black Jesus." Legend says the bronze statue was erected over the grave of a five year old boy, and it soon turned deep black. No matter how much the statue was cleaned, its bronze color did not come back. It has been reported that even though the statue is posed with Jesus' hands palm up,... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Only large bloodstains offer any evidence that a heinous crime was committed within the Camberley Gunter Hotel in San Antonio, but many visitors have reported seeing the vision of a former maid. Legend holds that the maid was murdered in the 1960s, after she unexpectedly came across a murderer lurking in a room of the hotel. He killed the woman and escaped out a window. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 4,705
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- 3.5 / 5
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- 4
Several entities reguarly reveal themselves at the University of the Incarnate Word. The figure of a young boy bouncing a ball has been seen on multiple ocassions on the third floor of the administration building. The fourth floor had once been used as a quarentine for tuberculosis, and it is said that the spirits of many patients who died there continue to linger until this day. The... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Colleges
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The ghost that is said to haunt this hospital is believed to be Mr. Davis himself. Employees have reported that doors open and close on their own and medicine has been knocked to the ground. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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- 389
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Located on East Houston Street in San Antonio, The Emily Morgan Hotel was built in 1924 as the Medical Arts Building. The building was home to a variety of doctor's offices and a 5-bed hospital. In 1976, the building was converted to an office space. It wasn't until 1984 that it was remodeled and renamed to The Emily Morgan Hotel. The location has been noticed by the National... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places
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This hospital is rumored to be haunted by a ghostly nurse who likes to change the bedsheets and wander the halls of the empty fourth floor. Since 1936 there has been strange activity reported here. A psychic once claimed to sense a woman's spirit and a man who died in an elevator. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Mulberry Manor no longer operates as a bed and breakfast inn and may be up for sale as of 2016. The location was once a hospital during the Civil War and a mental institution in the early 1900s. People say they have spotted the apparition of a Civil War general as a reflection all throughout the home, and the shoes of a nurse have been heard walking down the concrete stairways. This is... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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On the third floor of this hall, a female student once jumped out of the window after playing with a Ouija board. Her ghost is believed to linger the place, causing the lights in the shower room to flicker at the same time each night - the time she died. Her apparition has been spotted at the end of the hall, wearing tattered clothing. At around 2:00 AM, it has also been reported that... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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The property on which the university sits has a questionable origin, but many find merit in the version of its history in which the property once belonged to a fisherman. As the legend goes, during the last decades of the fisherman's life, he was made many offers by the university to acquire the land, but time and again the fisherman refused. Ultimately, the University of Texas was able... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This hospital dates back to the 1950s and was the first Army medical facility created specifically for aviation medicine. Now abandoned, the location is home to some eerie tales. If you're brave enough, you can book a paranormal investigation! It's no surprise the hospital has a haunted history when so many people died there. There were numerous fatal training accidents, and the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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The Julia Ideson Building, the former public library of Houston now used as a research center, is said to be haunted by Jacob Frank Cramer, who once worked as a long-serving night watchman at the building. Cramer was known to play his violin in the top floors of the building late into the night. Library staff found his dead body on the library's top floor. However, it is said Cramer has... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Libraries
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- 1,664
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- 3.5 / 5
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- 2
This hotel is said to be the oldest on the island and is believed to have a haunted room (Room #505). People have reported that there is an eerie presence inside the room along with a mysterious scent of gardenias. Reports say that very few stay in this room, due to its eerie stories. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 178
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Located in Marshall, Texas, Stagecoach Road has had a haunted reputation for quite some time now. The historic road dates back to the 1800s and was once the route for travelers and stagecoaches. Some haunting reports on this road include the apparition of a woman who likes to appear on foggy nights, trying to get travelers to go into the woods with her. Ghostly stagecoaches and wagons... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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The Aztec Theater is a historic theater that is located in downtown San Antonio. It is known to be haunted by spirits that are believed to be overworked projection operators. One of the spirits that have been spotted at the theater is that of a phantom operator in the projection booth. The ghost would play tricks on whoever was operating the projector. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Theaters
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It has been said that someone or something will catch rocks that are thrown inside, and that the thrower will not be able to hear the rock land. The darkness here is said to be so dense that headlights cannot penetrate it for more than a couple feet. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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This hotel has had several reports of paranormal activity, according to the Texas Hauntings Society. Most of the activity occurred in Room 101, where unseen hands were felt grabbing at people underneath the sheets, and an eerie apparition of an infant was seen and heard. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 1 / 5
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This gorgeous castle was built on the shares of Lake Worth by a former owner and it is rumored to be haunted. A young man's apparition has been spotted walking around the grounds as well as inside the castle. A ghostly bride is the second apparition that has been seen here, running across the entrance road before disappearing. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Castles
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Witches Gate is a burned mansion that has many stories surrounding it. Some say a wealthy family resided here and that the mother went crazy and burned the house after her husband passed away. Another story says the house was broken into by robbers and that one of the young boys in the family managed to trap the robbers and set the house on fire, after killing everyone inside, including... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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- 4,773
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- 4.3 / 5
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- 6
Every hall of the prestigious university is said to be inhabited by its own ghost. At Turner-Bishop Hall, the ghost of a young girl is said to play with the hair of students, drag furniture in empty rooms, run showers and unlock doors. Lewis Hall, another building on the campus, is said to be haunted by the ghost of a former female student who killed herself in the building. In addition... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges | Real Haunted Theaters
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- 3 / 5
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- 1
In 1990, the century-old school house was demoslished and replaced with a more modern building. The demolition process did not go smoothly, however, as many of the heavy machinery operators reported that their machines would unexpectedly and inexplicably turn off during operation. Several reports of workers falling from ladders and tools gone missing were made during the rebuilding... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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- 5
This lake was named after Major General William Rufus Shafter, who found it in 1875. The town became a ghost town after it lost a county-seat war with nearby Andrews. People say a ghostly Lady in White wanders the graveyard since that time, and that a phantom Confederate troop and their horses may come galloping by during the full moon. It is believed it is Shafter and his men. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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The most haunted spot in this bar is said to be the upstairs that is unoccupied. People have reported hearing ghostly footsteps and items that move on their own as well as full-body apparitions of a large black male ghost. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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- 604
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The Majestic Theatre is located in the heart of downtown San Antonio. It was once the second largest theatre in the United States, seating just over 2,200 guests. The theater was designed in the late 1920s and is believed to be haunted by more than just one ghost. Some odd occurrences at this old theater include disembodied footsteps and voices and a female spirit who likes to appear... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Theaters
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This cafe is rumored to be haunted by a lively ghost who is said to be the original owner, Charlie Wunsche. The ghost seems to enjoy playing mischievous pranks such as holding the doors closed, hiding things and messing around with electronics. He has been spotted by employees and they believe that he is just looking out for the place. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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Miss Molly's Hotel has an illustrious past. At one time a speak easy, the bed and breakfast is located above a cafe in the historic shipyard district of Forth Worth, where many of the buildings are believed to be haunted. But many agree Miss Molly's is the most haunted of them all. There are 9 rooms, and visitors and the owners have reported ghostly encounters in each room. One visitor... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 7,946
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- 3 / 5
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- 2
This abandoned house dates back to the 1960s, when a developer and his wife lived there. There are two versions of the horror story that accompanies this home, now desolate, far off a dirt trail along an unmarked dead end. The first version of the story features a cheating husband being discovered, and ultimately murdered along with his mistress by his enraged wife. In the other version,... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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- 2.7 / 5
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- 3
Many murders have been carried out within the haunted walls of the Jackson Square Apartments in Amarillo, and eventually the gruesome trend forced the building to close and evict all residents. Several apparitions have been reported in the building, including the vision of a man hanging from a noose on one of the upper floors. Ghosts believed to be of the former residents who were... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This museum is believed to be haunted by a former owner, who was murdered here when the location was a private home. The ghost is said to haunted the upstairs of the building. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums
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This cemetery began with workers on El Fronton de Santa Isabel Ranch since the 1840s, although the oldest gravestones that still stand are from the 1880s. In 1849, this graveyard became a Catholic cemetery (French Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate), but people of all faiths are buried on the grounds. A young boy's apparitions has been spotted wandering throughout the cemetery. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This hotel dates back to 1886 and is said to be haunted. A guest has reported that at 3 AM, their bathroom glowed pink. Voices have also been heard above them and in the shower, and cold spots have also been felt everywhere. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel dates back to 1912 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is well known for its beautiful grand staircase and is believed to be haunted by a ghostly woman. She is said to walk throughout the halls wearing a white gown and a melancholy expression. She is often spotted in the basement of the hotel and is said to be an unhappy spirit. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Considered by many locals and paranormal enthusiasts to be the most haunted site in San Antonio, the Menger Hotel is said to even be frequented by the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt. The former Bull-Moose president would recruit men to join his Rough Riders calvery. Lesser known ghosts are also said to haunt the site. One is the ghost of a young maid who once worked at the hotel and was... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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These lights can be found sometimes by turning right at Alsupps toward the graveyard just outside of town. You then have to make a right turn down a dirt road that travels along the cemetery. Then, once you're at the crossroads, turn the car around so it is facing the main road. Turn off the engine, and flash the headlights three times. It is rumored that after a few minutes, a white... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This hall tells a ghostly story of a janitor who died after stashing his money somewhere in the building. Another story tells of a female student who was murdered by her boyfriend at a tea party held by the dean in the 1930s or 1940s. A third story tells of a professor who murdered a student he impregnanted to cover his dirty deed. It has been said that a phantom car drives up to the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This hotel was constructed in the 1880s and is believed to be quite haunted. One of the ghosts that lingers here is called Elizabeth and she has been spotted wearing a long dress and often carries a parasol. Reports say she is mostly seen on Mondays at about 3:00 AM on the stairs. Stories say she fell down the stairs and died. A young girl's spirit has also been seen looking through the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This fort was founded in 1721 and was the site of many Texas Revolution conflicts including the Battle of Goliad and the Golaid Massacre. People have reported hearing cries of pain and seeing ghostly massacred soldiers. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums
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This hospital dates back to the 1940s and closed its doors in 1988, leaving the ghosts of deceased patients to linger the place. People have said they have been slapped, kicked, punched or scratched by something unseen, and shadowy figures have been spotted in the halls. One of the spirits is believed to be a man named T.J., who died here of a heroin overdose. The location has been... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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- 120
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Goatman's Bridge in Copper Canyon is also known as the Old Alton Bridge and the Copper Canyon Road Bridge. The iron-truss once connected Denton, Texas to Copper Canyon but was decommissioned in 2001. Some of those who have checked out the old bridge have reported that the bridge is haunted by a half man, half goat figure (Goatman). Stories say there was a local goat farmer who was... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places
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Local legend says a man jumped to his death from the hotel's roof and landed on the west side of the building. People have reported unexplained sounds coming from the rooms and that the area of the roof is haunted. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This theatre dates back to 1966 and was built with funds that were left by William Edrington Scott, who passed away from lung cancer. Scott himself is believed to be one of the ghosts that haunts this theater. He has been known to straighten his portraits if they're hanging crookedly due to the street vibrations. Kenneth Walker Yandle is another ghost that resides here. Yandle was an... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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The Burleson House is a top contender for most haunted site in Texas. Once used by a family-owned honey company, the home was built in 1915, and has had numerous inhabitants. Most visitors to the home have had a ghostly encounter of some kind. Many have reported hearly disembodied voices, footsteps and doors opening or slamming on their own. There are a few known ghosts in the home,... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This university is rumored to be haunted by deceased nuns as well as the mischievous ghost that alums have nicknamed Jack. Jack has been blamed for every prank and missing item in the dorms. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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The Huebner Onion Homestead is one of the most haunted places located on the outskirts of San Antonio. Dating back to 1858, the homestead was originally built for Austrian jeweler Joseph Huebner. It was a one-story home that soon after was transformed into a stagecoach inn. After much success running the inn, Huebner opened a horse stand next to the Alamo. However, by 1874, Huebner's... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This location operates as a wedding venue and is rumored to have a variety of ghostly activity. There have been reports of eerie music, cold spots, full-body apparitions, dolls moving location and doors that open and close by themselves. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Some say that superstition plays a role at this hotel, which is the largest building in Laredo, and the only one to have a 13th floor. Other buildings have renumbered their floors to avoid having a 13th, for superstitious reasons. The ghost that resides here is said to be a helpful one, who has been seen cleaning the floors, while wearing his brown work uniform. There have also been... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This theatre dates back to 1930 and was originally a movie house that is believed to have several ghosts residing in it. There have been reports of lights turning on and off, an eerie red-orange light that has been seen traveling through the mezzanine and apparitions. Some of the apparitions seen here include a shadowy man wearing black and an elderly man smoking a cigarette. Also... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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There are over 60,000 people buried in this cemetery, and many are said to linger the grounds as spirits. It has been said that the cemetery is so active with hauntings that the cafe across the street, L&J Cafe, is even said to get some ghostly business from the cemetery's ghosts. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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No longer in operation, The Old Hospital was believed to be haunted while it was open. There were reports of call bells ringing on their own, even when they were unplugged. Some have reported seeing lights flicker in the windows and have heard moaning coming from the building. In more recent years the hospital was used as the location for Halloween haunted houses, but according to at... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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There are rumors surrounding this theater that say a body was buried in the foundation, which is why many believe it is haunted. Witnesses have reported cold spots and problems with the lights. Some who have worked at the theater have said they've spotted the ghost of a child in the projection room. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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This home, now a bed and breakfast, was built in 1895 by Mr. Tarlton, who is believed to still linger the location in spirit. Stories say he hanged himself on the third floor after his second wife passed away. People have reported hearing footsteps and feeling cool gusts of wind on their faces. In each room, there are journals for guests who have any eerie experiences during their stay. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 5
There are two buildings at this hospital that are rumored to be haunted. The Administration Building dates back to the 1920s and was once used to house mentally unstable patients. In this building, lights are known to go on and off by themselves, and people have heard moans, wails and the rattling of chains. There have also been reports of shadowy figures. In the "M" Building, a nurse's... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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This former sanatorium, which was used to house tuberculosis patients in the early 20th century, has since been converted into a residential home. Prior to becoming someone's home, brave-hearted individuals who explored the once-abandoned building reported hearing water running in a sink in the basement, though the water had been disconnected from the building for many years. No one is... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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- 3
This hotel dates back to 1918 and is believed to be haunted by a ghostly elderly woman who has been spotted in the basement. There is one or two more female apparitions that have been seen wearing black veils. Police were once called to check on a strange woman wandering around one of the building's towers, and they found themselves trapped inside. The phones here have reportedly... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This inn dates back to 1906 and was originally called Point Isabel Tarpon & Fishing Club. It has been visited by President-Elect Warren G. Harding in 1920 and is rumored to be haunted. The inn receives a remodel after damage from a hurricane in 1933 and 1967, but the inn remains the area's oldest hotel and business. Strange reports here include disembodied footsteps that have been heard... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Littlefield House is the last renant of 19th century Victorian arhitechture. Commissioned by Major George Littlefield, a Confederate general and benefactor, remembered also as a southern gentleman, for $500,000, the house is now surrounded by the University of Texas at Austin. There are many ghostly tales associated with the Litllefield House. Staff members have resported very... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This museum is housed inside the Champion Building, which was built in 1899 as a dry goods store and private residence. Now as a museum, it houses Mexican artifacts from the U.S. Mexican War and features a well-known fish mural painted by a local fisherman in 1906. The building is rumored to be haunted by a young boy and ghostly cat. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums
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The historic Crockett Hotel is right across from The Alamo (another haunted destination of San Antonio) and was once the site of some of the bloodiest battles in Texas. One of these battles was the infamous Battle of the Alamo in 1836. Many believe that the ghosts that haunt the hotel are those who fought in this battle and their souls have remained on the grounds. Some haunting... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places
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- 13,106
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- 2.9 / 5
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- 33
The road that leads to this cemetery is called Bowden Rd., also known as Demon's Road. It was given this nickname because of all the hauntings that have been reported here. Locals warn visitors not to provoke the ghosts, as they have been known to follow people home. Someone reported a hand that came up out of a grave, grasping to pull someone down. There have been large handprints left... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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Both employees and visitors have reported spotting apparitions at this inn. Reports say there are ghostly children that reside here and a woman from the Victoria-era that likes to hang out on the third floor. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Like a real life horror film, residents of this home have been ripped from their beds in the midst of sleep by an unknown and unseen force. Residents have reported seeing objects fly about within rooms, creating a perilous situation for the inhabitants. Some have been pulled under the bed or locked inside rooms. Those who have experienced the worst horror inside the home, reported... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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According to local stories, the spirits that live in this inn are said to be that of Erastus and Sarah Reed, who purchased the land where the inn stands back in 1859. At this time, the property was called The Old Reed House and was a stagecoach shop. Reports say the ghosts like to hang out in the lobby, the Marcella, and the Victoria Room. It has been said that a sign has flown off the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Locals say a couple parked at this intersection to make out. A man in black knocked on their window, killing them as soon as they opened the window. The only clue that was found was a bloody hook that was said to be hanging on the railing nearby. The phantom couple has been seen standing near the railing at night. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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This home dates back to 1875 when it was built by El Paso mayor Joseph Magoffin. His family lived in the home until 1976, when the City of El Paso and the State of Texas purchased it. The location is believed to be haunted by a few ghosts, including that of Charles Richardson, Joseph Magoffin’s brother-in-law and best friend. Another is Uncle Charlie who rocks in in the rocking chair... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums